

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No More Two's

Another busy week and I had two days of running.  My first run of the week was on Saturday and it was a very good 10 miler.  I hit the floor at 5am and ate a Cliff bar and drank a cup of coffee.  I was waiting on Jamie to arrive and he was already there when I walked out the door.  We started from my house and just made a big circle and I can't say how good I felt during the entire run.  It was the best run that I have ever ran.  I have never felt and much energy during any of my previous runs.  I have to believe that most of it came with the weather.  We couldn't have asked for a better morning.  When I walked out the door, it was 59 degrees and it felt fabulous.   What more could a runner want during August?

I ran again Sunday morning on the Coke course and, again, the weather was just right.  This is the first run I think I have done without any walking.  I ran the entire time and even set a new PR.  My previous record for 10K was 1:10:57 but my time on this run was 1:10:25.  I know it's not a big difference but it's faster all the same.  It was a great run too.

Way back on January 12, 2011, I wrote a post about how I stayed motivated.  I read that post again and not a lot has changed since then.  The reason I bring this up again is because I've heard some comments from others about how they just can't get motivated.  I'm not sure if I can help you get motivated except to tell you again what keeps me motivated.  Once you start seeing results, you will be motivated.  Making up your mind to get up off your butt is the very first step.  Then putting on your shoes and getting out the door are the next steps.  After that, it's as simple as putting one foot in front of the other.

You don't have to be a runner.  You might prefer to walk or bike.  The important thing is to get moving.  It's no secret, but an important thing about losing weight is to eat right.  That is hard to do sometimes but if you eat right the majority of the time, you will start losing.  One of the things that I love most is french fries.  I have to limit myself to eating them one time per week and then I try not to eat many.  Sometimes it's a struggle but when you start putting the right stuff in your mouth, it gets easier.

I did a little experiment this past week.  I decided I wasn't going to eat meat for a couple of days.  I ate mainly fruits, cereal, and peanut butter.  I succeeded in not eating meat for three days.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but meat isn't one of the things I'm giving up anytime soon.  I still haven't eaten any beef since June 29th though.

One last thing before I go.  I weigh myself every weekend but I don't make a big deal of the numbers.  If I lose a pound here and there, it's no big deal.  This past Sunday, when I got on the scales before my run, I was finally down under 200 pounds.  I'm not sure if I've ever said how much I weighed when I started on this journey but my weight was 241.  As of Sunday, I weighed 199.4.  I am proud of myself and I hope I never see a two in front of my weight again.

Thanks for stopping by this week and I'll see you again next week.

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