

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do You Feel Any Better?

As of today I have been soda free for 76 days. Some days are tougher than others but I find that it has been worth it. I did kind of quit cold turkey but when I did quit I was only drinking about 2 or 3 soda a week.

Last week I posted on Facebook that I had reached the 69 day mark and only had three more weeks to reach reach my goal of going 90 days without a soda. I was asked at the time if I felt any different and decided that I would answer that question in this weeks post.

I can't say with any certainty that I feel any different but one thing that I have noticed is that I don't think I crave sugar as much. Anytime that I drank a diet soda I felt that I craved sugar for a long time after. I didn't drink regular soda at all and even if I did I don't want to drink my calories. I just have to believe that when I did drink that diet soda (Mountain Dew most of the time) I would just later go ahead and eat something with sugar in it. Fast forward to today and I still have sugar cravings but I normally eat a banana. I will admit that I do still eat a candy bar or a snack cake but not as often as I did several months ago.

This past week saw a big drop in mileage because I did have some leg pain but also I had some congestion in my chest and couldn't run very far without running out of breath. Instead of running I decided to get my workout in with a stationary bike. I ended the week with 1.5 miles or running and a little over 16 miles on the bike. I also did some weight training while I was at the gym too.

Now for the scales part. I haven't said anything about the scales in a couple of weeks because at this point in my journey I am satisfied with my weight but if I can get more off then that will be okay. I did step on the scales this past weekend and was up 0.2. That still makes my weight lose 40.8 pounds since October 10, 2010. Not to pat myself on the back but I am really proud that I have taken all this weight off and know that I can keep it off if I just keep on doing what I've been doing.

Thanks for stopping by this week and sorry this was a day late but my schedule has been really busy the last couple of days. Have a great rest of the week and will see you again next week.

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